Building Better Portfolios
We search the world to find what we believe are the best alternative investment managers and provide investors with unique sources of alternative income and growth
Pioneers in Providing Access to Alternative Sources of Income and Growth
We're a boutique investment manager with a deep research heritage and pedigree of innovation. We build actively managed investment solutions designed to help financial advisors, institutions and individual investors achieve greater alpha, lower risk, and improve portfolio diversification.
Year Founded
Million Assets Under Management as of Mar 31, 2022
Investment Managers Reviewed Since 2010
A Legacy of Innovation
For nearly two decades, we’ve curated differentiated investment solutions; affiliated with leading alternative asset managers; and accelerated acceptance of unique diversifiers to help build better portfolios.
Real Estate Solutions
Managed Futures Solutions
Multi-Strategy Solutions
Commodity Pool Solutions
Crypto Solutions
Coming Soon.
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*Solution currently under development and not yet offered by Altegris as a portfolio alternative.
High Yield Solutions
Coming Soon.
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*Solution currently under development and not yet offered by Altegris as a portfolio alternative.
There's No Alternative to Experience
Matt Osborne
Matt and his team of experienced partners and professionals have an extensive history in the alternatives industry, with the relationships, knowledge, and acumen to uncover opportunity and create solutions.